Unveiling the Light of Your Soul
An invitation to unveil the Light of your Soul through
a transformative immersion into the heart of Kauai, the Aloha spirit and Hawaiian healing arts. If you've been to one of our concerts or sunset serenades and experienced an 'opening of your heart', a sense of deep connection', or 'an emotional release', you have tasted a tiny bit of what you will experience in this retreat. Together, all of our lives will change perspective, find true purpose, and lift the veil, shining the light of our souls clearly and strongly. Transitions and life changes happen... whether we want them or not... retirement, career/job changes, income changes, relationship changes, health and lifestyle changes... and so on. Riding the waves of our lives smoothly requires a connection and alignment with our inner being and our higher purpose... our soul. How do we do that?
This retreat is powerful and will change your life as well as the lives of your co-participants - in ways expected and totally surprising. The tools and techniques you learn will be with you as you move forward on your life's path. For maximum benefit, 3 monthly retreat follow-up sessions are scheduled via interactive, live teleconferences. Contact Sandy with questions and to receive schedules and updates.